Monday, October 04, 2010

Organizational changes at XII

Following is a message from Dan Roberts about the proposed changes at XBRL International, which includes a direct membership option along with a number of related changes. The changes could have a significant impact on jurisdictions, including Canada, and the views of members and others are sought and welcomed.

A major change is being proposed to the membership structures and privileges of XBRL International. When I expressed my understanding of the proposed changes recently at an XBRL EU meeting, the chairman of a jurisdiction said "Now Dan, that's not what is being proposed". At that point, Tony Fragnito, CEO of XBRL International Inc said, "Well, actually, that is what is being proposed". Tony's honest and open reaction speaks to his credit, and his determination to ensure that both sides of all arguments were heard was evident.

The proposed change however, can, in my opinion, only harm the cause of global adoption of XBRL as the standard for business communication.

Usually I invite you to read and comment. For this issue, I strongly recommend you read, then talk directly with your jurisdiction prepresentatives to ensure that they know how you feel about this.

The full post is here:


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