XBRL Canada Webinar - Digital Transformation and the need for Standardization
XBRL Canada Webinar – May 8, 2018 at 12:00 Noon Eastern
Digital Transformation and the need for Standardization
Presenter: John McAlister, of McAlister & Associates
John McAlister is a Globally known expert in digital transformation and is well known within business and financial sectors, in Australia and Internationally. He has led transformation programs that have changed the way that Australian Individuals deal with the Tax Office and how Businesses deal with each other and with government.
John is a former Assistant Commissioner and National Director of the Australian Taxation Office. In those positions, he:
- Initiated and led the Electronic Invoicing initiative, estimated to deliver savings of $10 Billion through an open digital framework.
- Managed Standard Business Reporting (SBR) which led to savings estimated at more than $1.4 billion.
- Influenced the adoption of data and message standards for SuperStream, delivering benefits of $3.2Billion.
- Led the development of the ATO’s e-tax system
- Created and delivered the pre-fill initiatives and piloted the foundations of the online Tax return.
John brings insights from more than 20 years of transformation experience in Information creation, management and distribution. Much of this at the leading edge of Information Technology and as a thought leader who has changed the way risk is understood and addressed through the use of data.
This webinar is a unique opportunity for Canadian governments and business to learn from his experience, as we move ahead with digital transformation at all levels.
The webinar is free of charge. To register, please send an email to gtrites@xbrl.ca.
Sponsored by XBRL Canada, with the support of CPA Canada.
I'm pleased to be able to follow up on my visit to Ottawa in 2016 with this Webinar. Happy to receive questions ahead of time to ensure we cover your most pressing questions.
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