Today a significant event occurred in the growing acceptance of XBRL as an international standard for Financial and Business reporting. The Canadian Securities Administrators, the body that sets securities policy nationally, issued a request for feedback on the extent of awareness about XBRL. The request includes basic information about the benefits and costs of using XBRL and refers to an online survey to obtain the feedback. OSC: Category 5 - CSA Staff Notice 52-314 Securities Regulators Want Your Feedback on XBRL - CVMO: Avis 52-314 des Autorit�s canadiennes en valeurs mobili�res Lancement d'un sondage sur XBRL
The XBRL Canada Blog
XBRL Canada is a non-profit consortium formed to foster and encourage the use of XBRL in Canada. XBRL is an internationally recognized standard for electronic business and financial reporting.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
A transcript of the June 12 SEC Roundtable on Interactive Data is available at:
The SEC Roundtable of June 12 on Interactive Data is available by way of webcast at: Webcast Access Page
Friday, June 16, 2006
An important announcement by Business Wire at the SEC roundtable on Monday the 12th of June was that they will be releasing news releases that are XBRL enabled. this is an important announcement, as press releases are one of the major vehicles of corporoate disclosure, and it faciilitates the targeting of key information in XBRL format, that can then be imported into analytical tools for comparison purposes. Netherlands Corporate News - "Door XBRL mogelijk gemaakte nieuwsberichten gaan brede adoptie van ..
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The Abu Dhabi Securities Market has endorsed XBRL as a standard. It's an important addition to the many securities regulators who have adopted XBRL around the world. {News: ADSM endorses XBRL technology}
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Securities and Exchange Commission is holding an important public forum on Monday, June 12 to discuss ways in which the use of interactive data (XBRL) can improve disclosure for ordinary investors. It is expected to be well attended. Press Release: Commission Announces Speakers, Panelists, and Agenda for June 12 Interactive Data Roundtable ; 2006-90; June 7, 2006