Wikipedia now has a page on XBRL projects around the world. Wikipedia is an open encyclopedia and is a modern internet success story. It can be edited by anyone, and its accuracy depends on the constant input of knowledgable people. The Wikipedia page can be found at: XBRL Projects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The XBRL Canada Blog
XBRL Canada is a non-profit consortium formed to foster and encourage the use of XBRL in Canada. XBRL is an internationally recognized standard for electronic business and financial reporting.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
The next XBRL Canada Conference and Annual General Meeting will be held in Ottawa on February 13-14, 2007 and will focus on "XBRL for the Public Sector." it will be held at the Minto Suites Hotel and a block of rooms has been set aside for attendees.
The public sessions will begin at lunchtime on Tuesday, Feb 13, and the special interest sessions will be in the morning and afternoon of Wednesday, Feb 14. Complete agenda to follow.
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Assurance Working Group, co-chaired by Bill Swirsky of XBRL Canada, presented a paper on the assurance implications of XBRL at the recent World Congress of Accountants in Istanbul. The announcement, along with a link to download the paper, can be found at the following link: XBRL Announcement
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The special Webcase on the new Canadian taxonomy, outlined in the preceding post, was held on November 7th. A rough recording of it is available by request from
Friday, November 03, 2006
A Special Webcast for XBRL Canada on the subject of the new Canadian Taxonomy will be held on:
Tuesday November 7th at 10:00AM Eastern.
The Canadian acknowledged taxonomy for primary financial statements has been updated to reflect the accounting standards issued in the past three years and when it is released at the end of December will be completely up to date. It is still open for review on Trax until November 30. The purpose of this webcast is to review the major changes in the taxonomy, and show how people can contribute to it by commenting on the draft.
The call-in number is 1-866-368-6248. The participant code is 8643709. We will be using LiveMeeting for the call.
Details of the Livemeting connection are as follows:
Attendee URL:
Meeting ID: WZPN5R
Attendee Meeting Key: z3t6@.ZzR
The agenda for the call will be:
1. Welcome, instructions, recorded, mute lines, Q&A (Eric Cohen)
2.Agenda (Chantal Rassart)
3.Tour of the taxonomy (Jerry Trites, Grace Lang)
- Intro
- Major changes
- Statement of Comprehensive Income
- Status (Jerry)
4.Call to action (Chantal)
- Get involved
- Trax comments
- Testing
5.Resources (Jerry)
- Website
- Trax
6.Q&A (All)
Welcome to XBRL Canada Welcome to XBRL Canada