Thursday, July 31, 2008


An important event will take place on September 24th at the Metro Toronto Convention Center to provide information for companies who must file in XBRL with the SEC and those who may be interested in filing with the voluntary programs in the US and Canada. There will be two events on the same day.

In the morning, XBRL Canada will host a seminar introducing the filing of XBRL statements with regulatory agencies and including a panel of executives from companies who have already filed with the SEC Voluntary program. It will be a great chance to hear of their experiences. There will also be a session on the relationship of the filing requirements with IFRS implementation.

In the afternoon, there will be an event hosted by the OSC and the SEC, which will provide information about the new SEC requirements and the regulatory situation in Canada.

Further details will be available soon.

In the meantime, mark your calendars for September 24th! Welcome to XBRL Canada


CAAA - Seminar #6 - Seminar #6

The Canadian Academic Accounting Association is holding a seminar on September 26th at Brock University to discuss IFRS, XBRL and Corporate Governance. The meeting will bring together academics, practitioners and regulators to explore the challenges to preparers, users and regulators of accounting reports. The sixth in a series sponsored by SAP Canada, the seminar promises to carry on the high quality evident in the preceding events. CAAA - Seminar #6 - Seminar #6

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dominic Jones' blog reports that Auerbach, Grayson & Co has begun offering equity research reports to investors in XBRL. The offering enables investors to compare the financials of thousands of companies around the world in detail. It uses a special taxonomy developed for the purpose. As Mr Jones points out, this is significant because it is developed by investors for investors. This represents a new approach and hopefully a new wave of XBRL adoption. Sell-side research reports now in XBRL IR Web Report

Monday, July 21, 2008

XBRL: Bringing Financial Reporting to the 21st Century

This article referenced here is a very good short summary of where XBRL is now in North America and where it might be going. Worth a read. XBRL: Bringing Financial Reporting to the 21st Century

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

CASE STUDY: ALCOA files its first XBRL report - EDGAReview

CASE STUDY: ALCOA files its first XBRL report - EDGAReview: "Alcoa, Inc. recently joined the SEC's voluntary XBRL filing program. Their experience is a good example of what to expect and what is involved when a company decides to file its first XBRL report. What the team discovered was “the process is fast, it’s effective, and inexpensive and you’ll be glad you did it before the mandate comes.”"

Monday, July 07, 2008

CNW Group | CNW GROUP LTD. | CNW Group Announces Partnership with EDGAR(R) Online for Automated XBRL Solution

CNW Group has announced an important new partnership with Edgar Online that will help companies comply with the new SEC Filing requirements now and in the future. The press release is at: CNW Group CNW GROUP LTD. CNW Group Announces Partnership with EDGAR(R) Online for Automated XBRL Solution