XBRL International Inc. announces 2009 Steering Committee election results
New York, 30 January, 2009 – XBRL International Inc. (XII) announced today that Mike Willis, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoop
During its January meeting in Miami, Florida, the International Steering Committee also ratified Diane Mueller, Vice President, XBRL Development,
In addition, we are pleased to announce the election of 5 new At-Large members to the ISC: David Van den Ende, Deloitte Netherlands, Ralf Frank, DVFA Germany, Josef Macdonald, Ernst & Young UK, Michal Piechocki, BR-AG Poland and Li Wei, CSRC, China.
“The organization is quite pleased by the quality of the candidates that were nominated during this election process. With these additions to the International Steering Committee we are poised to address the growing market demands resulting from global XBRL adoption.” states CEO Anthony Fragnito.
Incoming ISC Chair Mike Willis, “The ISC is excited to address the opportunities and challenges arising from the accelerating market adoption of XBRL around the world. The diversity of the individuals elected is reflective of the growing international presence and enabling process implications provided by the XBRL standard."
Please refer to www.xbrl.org for a complete listing of the ISC leadership positions.
To learn more about XBRL the Standard, plan to attend the 19th XBRL International Conference hosted by XBRL France and XBRL Europe from June 23-25, 2009 in Paris, France. For more information on the conference or if you would like to participate in the program or exhibit your XBRL solutions, go to: http://conference.
XBRL Canada offers its congratulations to Diane.