Wednesday, December 07, 2011

A Roadmap for XBRL Adoption in Canada

Last month, at the XBRL International conference in Montreal, XBRL Canada and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) released the Executive Summary of a joint publication. Titled XBRL Roadmap, the document outlines how SBR could be implemented in Canada among all federal government departments and agencies.

The summary is available on the XBRL Canada website. The full document will be available early in the new year.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

XBRL23 Recap - Happenings in Montreal

XBRL23 brought together nearly 300 XBRL experts and innovators for knowledge sharing, networking and committee and working group meetings - including the first ever Member Assembly. Here's a rundown of some of the top happenings at XBRL23.
1.     XII released the Abstract Model for public comment
2.     A new Carbon Disclosure taxonomy was launched by the Global Reporting Initiative
3.     The Member Assembly met for the first time featuring committee elections, progress reports and a panel on IFRS
4.     New releases from the XBRL Standards Board and the Best Practices Board
5.     XBRL Canada released a Roadmap for Adoption in Canada
6.     Great sessions like the Mike Willis-led panel on who's using XBRL, a roundtable discussion on US legislative developments opened by a video from Congressman Daniel Issa and interviews with Bob Herz and Mike Starr on the main stage. Check out many of the XBRL23 presentations in our Knowledge Center!
7.     A preview of the upcoming XBRL UAE Conference
8.     The release of a much-improved financial statement (coming soon in XBRL!).
9.     A preview of XII's upcoming certification program and the opportunity to connect with the publisher of iBR Magazine
10.   The countless conversations, encounters and exchanges that make XII conferences the leading force behind XBRL development and adoption.