Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Canadian XBRL Perspectives
Advanced Data Management - From XBRL Canada

July, 2015
Up-to-date News and Information on XBRL as it affects Canada


section 1 Copenhagen

 The 2015 conference of XBRL International will be held in Copenhagen on September 8 – 10, 2015.
You can register at http://conference.xbrl.org/registration/. Early bird discount pricing expires tomorrow (July 15) and will not be extended.
There are numerous ways to gain brand and marketing exposure at Business Reporting 360° - and you do not have to spend a lot to do it.
Some of the opportunities still available include:
·      Conference Program App – Connect with attendees prior to and during the event by signing on to be the exclusive sponsor of the convenient tablet/phone app. With a jam packed program, attendees are sure to reference it often, creating multiple opportunities for exposure. €2500
·      Bag Inserts – for only €1000, you can place two items in conference bags. Use a postcard to share a link back to a case study or white paper or drop in a branded item.
·      Coat Check – Your logo on prominent signage in the heavily trafficked coat check/concierge area. €1500
·      Exhibit Space – Exhibit packages start at €3500. The exhibit area is well positioned for traffic during breaks and meals, as well as designated exhibit times. It is simply the best way to showcase your solutions and connect with attendees looking for information.
Association Partners
XII is able to offer discounts to members of professional and industry associations in accounting, finance, insurance, taxation and banking in exchange for assistance in marketing the conference. Contact is daven@xbrl.org
The interactive schedule is online. Get the latest information on tracks, speakers and more at: http://conference.xbrl.org/program/


Section 2

SBR in Canada
Standard Business Reporting (SBR) is the main focus of XBRL Canada’s activities. Our new video explaining the benefits of XBR is now released and can be viewed on our website at www.xbrl.ca under the menu item “SBR” Take a look! The video was produced with the assistance of CPA Canada.


Section 3

Data Act
The Data Act has passed in the US in 2014 and in May, 2015, released implementation guidance. The Data Act directs the federal government to standardize and publish its wide variety of reports and data compilations related to spending: financial management, payments, budget actions, procurement, and assistance.
The overall data standardization effort consists of two parallel, yet related efforts:
·      Setting data standards that improve the quality of federal spending data; and,
·      Creating a standard data exchange (the way data is submitted) to codify this data in standard computer readable formats.
There is mention in the guidance of XBRL as a data format to be used. Over the longer term, the Data Act will have a major impact on the way data is collected and used in the US and elsewhere. For a good summary of the act and its requirements, check out this website: http://www.datacoalition.org/what-is-data-transparency/data-act/

Section 4 UPCOMING Events

Copenhagen Conference – Sept 8 – 10, 2015-07-14
Seminar/Conference – SBR in Canada – November, 2014. Ottawa, Canada. Specifics to be announced.
XBRL Canada
Supported and administered by
The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
277 Wellington St W
Toronto, Ont
Newsletter Editor
Gerald Trites, FCA