Tablets Still Represent the Future
The use of mobile devices for internet applications has been increasing drastically. At the same time, Enterprises' interest in tablets has waned from the early days of their introduction, largely because of their lack of compatibility with enterprise systems.
This is all changing and will change considerably over coming months and years. The reason is that tablets are very good for mobile workers, which represents a large segment of the workforce, and are extremely good for internet applications. Moreover, they are destined to be compatible with enterprise systems as developers and others work towards that goal.
Data and in particular big data is a major element of future business strategy and the applications for analyzing big data must be on the internet because no enterprise systems will do an adequate job. Therefore mobile devices will be used more and more for analyzing big data.
That is a major shift in their importance. The real power will reside on the internet and the tablets (and phones for that matter) will be able to access and leverage that power. This will have a big impact on the way people work and the way enterprises use data.
For an article on tablet sales recently, click this link.